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Why is money important in Breaking Bad?

Money was a driving force for most of the main characters in Breaking Bad, influencing their decisions and actions, even when it didn't pay off in the end.

How much money does Walter White make on Breaking Bad?

Warning: Mini-spoilers ahead! In season 5, episode 8 of "Breaking Bad," we learn that everyone's favorite meth cook Walter White has more than surpassed his season 1 goal of earning $737,000. He has so much money in various denominations of $20s, $50s, and $100s that his wife Skyler (Anna Gunn) has no idea how much he has earned.

How much money can you Bury in the desert on Breaking Bad?

The about section for the video reads: "Welcome back to Tohajiilee! The cast and crew of Breaking Bad shows you how to bury 80 million dollars in the desert. Baseball America writer and editor J.J. Cooper predicted back in September depending on denomination the amount of money is most likely between $17 and $25.5 million.

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